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Minimalist Wisdom Text Course: A Study in Metaphysics

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Minimalist Wisdom Text Course: A Study in Metaphysics


This course is an examination and explanation of a compact text in metaphysics and ontology, composed by the course creator, Robert Davis. The text has 10 propositions, and Robert explains each proposition in a separate video. The text itself, the result of long and extraordinary labor by the author, is also included in PDF form.

The text is called “Primary Wisdom Text, Minimalist 3.0.” The word “primary” reflects its metaphysical and universal character: the text’s data is purposely made to be universal, so that it could apply to any intelligent being in space or time. The text does not depend on cultural concepts emerging from certain traditions on earth, but rather, is universal. The word “minimalist” reflects that Robert extrapolated the essential components from his larger wisdom text in order to produce a more essential text that presented some of the most important points to be grasped, in his view, for a wholesome contemplation of metaphysical truth. The numerals “3.0” reflect that Robert had written two previous iterations of this minimalist text, 1.0 and 2.0. (Concerning the larger text from which this minimalist text was extrapolated, there have been many more iterations.)

Robert states and explains his text in a natural, organic way, as if you were having a contemplative conversation directly with Robert. This method facilitates a natural encounter with the text and promotes the learning of the text and its wisdom in an approachable manner. Concepts build on one another slowly and steadily, giving room for a deep contemplation and internalization of the text’s wisdom. The videos are authentic and do not have excessive edits, which would produce an artificial experience. Thus, the viewer is enabled to have a genuine and realistic encounter with the text.

The course is such that each part slowly and steadily builds on the others, until by the end of the course, there is a great collection of insights.

Throughout the course, Robert uses the word ‘hypothesis’ to describe many of the propositions and ideas. This is because Robert is careful about the propositions he supports. Although these propositions are things that he affirms with significant confidence and practices in his own life, he uses the word ‘hypothesis,’ as he knows that, as for all individuals, there is a distinction between one’s understanding and the truth of the object, and errors and progressions in one’s understanding are possible. This note signifies the maturity and responsibility of the author’s approach. In the end, Robert trusts in the truth of these propositions - he uses this text in his own practice.

Here is a sample of some of the points that the course covers:

  • The ultimate logical ground of spiritual and religious traditions is identified. Understanding this logical ground, your intelligence and consciousness can receive clarity and the perception of how to settle in a foundation beyond the changing and empirically contingent aspects of human culture reflected in the various spiritual and religious traditions. This is crucial for attaining stability and steadiness in your spiritual path, as you learn to avoid the error of allowing your consciousness to be grounded in anything that could, even in theory, be manipulated or subject to change and thus prove unreliable as a foundation for your spiritual life.
  • The distinction between the possible and the necessary is identified and explained, and the fundamental elements of the category of the necessary are discussed. These insights represent great clarity and evolution in the context of the spiritual understanding that has generally been present in our culture. The transcendence of spirituality is combined with the rigor of careful precision.
  • Robert offers a critical and liberating insight for those on the spiritual path - how to ground their spiritual journey in something that transcends any human cultural element in space and time - anything that could possibly, even in theory, be manipulated, and thus prove to be unreliable as a foundation for one’s consciousness and spiritual life.
  • The essence of the ontological argument for the existence of God is offered. The inner nature of the ontological argument is explained in a way that resolves the ambiguous nature of the ontological argument in the way that it has been presented in the past. This is a profound contribution to the human cultural understanding of demonstrating the existence of a divine source via what is known as the ontological argument.
  • Robert offers clarity about the journey of the soul in light of understanding reality according to a numerical foundation.
  • The relation between logic and being, or logic and ontology, is discussed. An implication of this relation is offered for the purpose of improving our understanding of the universe.
  • The essential signification of self-knowledge is explained. A major misunderstanding on the path of self-inquiry and self-knowledge is rectified with the insights that Robert offers. This is an extraordinarily helpful insight for those exploring and practicing in traditions of self-knowledge and self-inquiry.
  • The structural ground of the principle of karma is explained. Course students will understand why the principle of karma is true given the structure of reality.
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The content of the course consists in one PDF file, containing the wisdom text itself, and 12 videos (3.7 hours total length), ten of which explain each of the ten propositions in the text.

1 PDF File
This is the wisdom text in PDF form, entitled "Primary Wisdom Text, Minimalist 3.0," containing 10 propositions. The text is for personal use only; redistribution is not permitted.
12 Videos
There are ten videos pertaining to each of the ten propositions. In addition, there is an introduction video and a review and conclusion video, for a total of 12 videos.
Total Video Time
3.7 hours
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Last updated Jan 14, 2025